
Fatherly Wisdom

I believe the following conversation is a quality example of why I turned out the way I did. The following exchange with my father occured over two different corporations' company email. The conversation began when Dad sent me some Republican propaganda that listed several vague reasons why No One can question Palin's experience, but Every One can question Obama's experience. What follows is my response and the subsequent conversation:

If you send another email written by a four year old touting Palin’s experience, I’ll block your address until the end of the election. The article offered no specifics and fact is: She is governor of ALASKA. Yippee! I do feel this is typical conservative propaganda however:

“Uh, yeah…we know our biggest knock against Obama is that he doesn’t have any experience. And sure, it might seem McCain picked someone who has even less experience than Obama but, um, yeah, here’s a list of reasons that explain why she really has experience and Obama still doesn’t. Go God!”

If you can honestly look in the mirror and convince yourself Palin was anything other than a publicity stunt and desperate attempt to get the bitter Hillary “I am woman hear me roar” voters over to McCain’s side, you need a new mirror.

Throw some cold water on yourself and then keep in mind when deciding who to vote for she likes to fish and kill things............ I am not all that excited about her but it's kind of like deciding how to die by gunshot or strangulation which one is the least painful.

True. Maybe Perot can run again and we can die at the hands of a midget army.

Have I ever told you about midgets or Kurt Russell?

I think so. Midgets never do drugs and Kurt Russell disappears after Christmas right?

Ha ha sort of but have you ever seen a drug crazed midget ... I shutter at the thought but at least we would only have to deal with them around the holidays. Please listen closer to your Dad in the future.

(conversation end)

I would like to point out how fully aware I am that the "mirror" and "Perot" jokes of mine were relatively weak. Corporate email forces a somewhat lame and tame approach to humor.


Anonymous said...

How dare you question Palin's experience or qualification, you sexist pig!

Viceroy Fizzlebottom said...

Remember the Russian midget that used to take out your trash until he got canned because he was too short to effectively do his job?

Kelsey said...

Oh, Jim...Jim...Jim...